
 Graduates of Higher Vocational College

Dear graduates of the Higher Vocational College!

You have officially completed your studies at the Higher Vocational College by defending your thesis. You have obtained the title of Mechatronics Engineer or Design Engineer. You have now embarked on a new path where you will build your life and career. And every graduate can stay connected with the Higher Vocational College, with lecturers, colleagues, classmates and fellow students. 

We invite all graduates to join the Alumni Club - the club of diplomats of VSŠ, ŠC Ljubljana. Together we will continue to strengthen our ties, transfer knowledge and experience.

The Alumni Club enables you to:

- keep in touch with your colleagues,

- keep up to date with new developments, 

- to invite you to professional training courses and to attend various events (lectures, fairs, etc.),

- cooperation with the school (projects, transfer of knowledge and experience, the opportunity to present yourself/your company to our students.

We look forward to your continued collaboration in the future, as this is a win-win situation.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the successful completion of your studies and wish you great personal and career fulfillment. At the same time, I look forward to seeing you at one of the events mentioned above.

Current number of graduates at the Higher Vocational College 

(data March 2022)

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